What are anagrams?
Anagrams are different words that are composed of the same characters.
Comparing Two Strings
If you are only comparing 2 strings to determine if they are anagrams and returning true or false, then a sorted comparison is your quickest solution
function sortStringHelper(str) {
return [...str].sort().join('');
function anagram(strA, strB) {
return sortStringHelper(strA) === sortStringHelper(strB);
anagram('lions', 'loins') // True
Hint: Clean a string with:
str.replace(/[^\w]/g, '').toLowerCase();
Character Maps
This can also be solved by using what is known as a character map, which is a record of each character and its occurrence. For example, a map of the word food:
const characterMap = {
f: 1,
o: 2,
d: 1
So to solve for an anagram, you would build out two characterMaps and compare them.
function buildCharMap(string) {
const charMap = {};
for (let character of string) {
if (!charMap[character]) {
charMap[character] = 1;
} else {
return charMap;
function anagram(strA, strB) {
const charMapA = buildCharMap(strA);
const charMapB = buildCharMap(strB);
// if the number of characters or keys are different they are not anagrams
if (Object.keys(charMapA).length !== Object.keys(charMapB)) {
return false;
// otherwise compare the maps
for (let character in charMapA) {
if(charMapA[character] !== charMapB[character]) {
return false;
// otherwise, we have anagrams
return true;
This approach begins to shine, when solving more complex anagram problems
For example:
Build an object that has the following attributes
function find_anagrams(arr) {
const sortMap = {};
const anagrams = [];
//const anagramGroups = [];
for (let word of arr) {
const sortedKey = word.split('').sort().join('');
if(!sortMap[sortedKey]) {
sortMap[sortedKey] = [word]
} else {
/* now the map is built
return sortMap;
so now all we must do is iterate the map
and return the arrays larger than 1
this is because if there is only 1, then there are no anagrams
for (let key in sortMap) {
if(sortMap[key].length > 1) {
//if you want them grouped, then use anagramGroup.push(sortMap[key]);
return anagrams;
Character maps can also be used to solve these related questions:
let maxChar = '';
let maxCharVal = 0;
for (let char in charMap) {
if (charMap[char] > maxCharVal) {
maxChar = char;
maxCharVal = charMap[char];